The founders’ vision is to create a framework and environment in which an evolving process is being developed by all who participate in the Collaborative. This model arose from the desire to support arts organizations that do not have permanent homes, that struggle with infrastructure and are newer organizations looking for support. The Rotunda Collaborative mission will be realized through the ongoing design and presentation of an annual program of events. This work is carried out by the organizations that have chosen to be members of the Collaborative, or Arts Collaborators in Residence.

The Rotunda Collaborative will provide shared services such as marketing, finance, and front of house to enable its members to focus on making art. We are a growing non-profit organization and will incorporate new ideas into our operations structure based upon our members’ feedback and needs.

Strengthening communities through the arts

We are committed to co-creating an equitable space that serves as a cultural hub in the East End. Together, we will:


  • Performances and arts engagement opportunities, created by the Arts Collaborators in Residence of the Rotunda
  • A community of artist collaborators committed to being part of the communities they serve
  • Support small to mid-sized arts organizations in their missions by providing space and shared services.
  • Nurture emerging arts organizations


  • Partner with like-minded organizations to broaden one another’s capacities and reach.
  • Provide diverse arts programming accessible to all, including performances, events, and education.
  • Provide space for public engagement and education around issues relevant to the community including environmental sustainability, social justice, economic justice.


  • Serve as a centrally-located private event venue for individuals and organizations.
  • Provide rental space for large community gatherings that is not currently available in the East End.
  • Bring many communities together in shared space for communal offerings such as multi-faith events, community dinners and other celebrations.

Racial Justice Statement

The Rotunda Collaborative is dedicated to eliminating racial injustice and promoting an ongoing process of healing and reconciliation to dismantle racism. This commitment is rooted in the belief that all members of our community are valued and needed to create necessary dialogue through the arts and in order to effectively tell all stories. Our varying experiences with and participation in systems of power and privilege make ongoing conversations about race, structural and systemic racism, and oppression complex, challenging, and necessary.

Learn about how you can join the collaborative. 

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