Community Engagement

Alyson Bonavoglia

Alyson Bonavoglia finds joy in bringing people together to experience art. She believes in “partnerships first,” centering the collaboration of artist, presenter, and community during program design. As the artistic director of a performing arts center she led teams to bring a multitude of events to her community, in dance, music, film, theater, literary arts and more. Alyson sees art as offering doorways to new experiences and seeks out art that draws on a broad range of cultures and lifeways. Along with creating wonderful experiences for audiences, she seeks to facilitate opportunities to interact with art and its creators. With a background in human-centered design and anthropology, Alyson brings her experiences of close listening to the work of creating a newly imagined community space. She is working to ensure that the Rotunda is a welcoming place where conversation, creativity and community will thrive.


Sara Stock Mayo

Sara Stock Mayo is a registered drama therapist, musician, poet, and spiritual leader. She has led musical programs and held cantorial positions at many Pittsburgh synagogues, including 11 years as the Music Director at Temple Sinai. Sara has been the Executive Director of Pittsburgh Playback Theatre, an improvisational company dedicated to storytelling and deep listening in service of social healing. She has worked in clinical, social service, and educational settings and as a chaplain and spiritual director. Sara is one of the co-founders of ShpielBurgh Productions, a community-based Jewish theatre company. One of Sara’s favorite groups to lead is Rosh Hodesh, It’s a Girl’s Thing through Moving Traditions in which female-identifying teen girls learn about healthy friendships, body image, and safe care in a Jewish framework, through arts-based and other embodied activities. She holds a BFA in Theatre from Syracuse University, a Masters in Drama Therapy from New York University, and has studied chaplaincy at UPMC as well as received a certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Yedidya Center for Jewish Spirituality. She is a co-leader of her chapter of the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom which is dedicated to growing relationships between Jewish and Muslim women and is an active member of Bend the Arc, a liberal Jewish social justice organization.


Real Estate Development

Beacon Communities strives to make a difference in residents’ lives by building outstanding communities that make enduring contributions to the vitality of cities and towns. Beacon creates communities that serve a diverse cross section of society and homes that enhance the lives of residents and the fabric of neighborhoods. For the project at 327 N Negley Ave, Beacon Communities will use existing technologies and civic engagement to achieve a development that generates power, transforms waste, provides wildlife habitat, produces food, celebrates creativity, and enhances the lives of the people who live, work or visit there.

Michael Polite: Senior Vice President of Development

Quianna Wasler: Development Director

Courtney Koslow: Development Director

Community Development

The Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation (BGC) exists to improve the quality of life for all in Garfield and surrounding neighborhoods through active community engagement. Community-based and board-driven, one of the BGC’s main goals is to get as many people in the community as possible to participate in the efforts aimed at physical revitalization, an improved economy and strengthened social well-being.

Rick Swartz, Executive Director, Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation

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